Because your fatherly testicles need a break. Break ends today!
They say there's no worse pain in the world as a woman giving birth. But a father in order to have children has to potentially met dozens of women, many of which have kicked him many times in the balls. I mean, mostly unwanted painful, debilitating, strikes to your most vulnerable organs, as most women have learned to do early on. Plus how many times does a woman give birth compared to the many times the father had to bend over in pain from an insidious knee from the wrong girl. Or got ballbusted from an unlucky football he played in order to impress a woman and biologically spread his genes. So for that, we're taking a pause to salute Fathers with an Extraordinary Limited Edition Deal.
For today only, you can get full access to at an incredible $10 off. Plus, as an added bonus, you can also download our top ballbusting clips for just $5 each.